Our Slimbridge photo walks are a great opportunity to have a day concentrating on Bird photography, enjoying the 120 acres of grounds established by Sir Peter Scott to showcase the wonderful varieties of waterfowl which visit the Severn Estuary every year, as well as walking amongst many of the captive birds at Slimbridge, whilst having our Going digital tutor on hand for individual guidance and advice.
The Walk
Meet in the main car park from 9.30- 10.00. Your tutor will have a GD card on the windscreen to help you find him. The tutor will talk through some basic settings and techniques including the use of zoom lenses, capturing fast action, focus modes to allow you to capture the birds in flight and composition advice for some great images.
The walk will have seasonal variation with different species arriving and leaving from all over the World, everyday. There are however permanent residents from every continent for you to photograph including Mute, Bewick and Hooper swans, Pink Footed, Hawaiian (NeNe) and Greylag geese, Ducks of all shapes, size and colour including Eider, Mandarin and Smew plus the wonderful variety of flamingo and wading species; also, you may be lucky enough to see kingfishers, water voles, amphibians, peregrine falcons, merlin and a wide variety of butterflies and moths. In the Spring there are opportunities for young ducklings, goslings and cygnets to be photographed, whilst in Autumn thousands of swans arrive from far and wide and each one can be identified by the pattern on its beak. Slimbridge also has an otter house where you can get some great shots and next-door is the new arena for the Common Crane, which are currently part of a major new initiative to re-introduce them to the wild in this country. Finally, there is the chance to get close to the wild bird feeders to capture wonderful shots of robin, chaffinch, bluetits and usually a squirrel or six!
There are thousands of opportunities to get close up shots and portraits of the birds, but all of the time one must be prepared to catch the geese, swans and ducks as they fly over in formation, or as they come in, as if on skis to land. Access is by levelled paths, which are suitable for mobility access, and mobility scooters are available for loan.
Food “ We will have coffee in the restaurant before heading into the grounds, then we will return to the restaurant area for lunch but for those who wish to bring a packed lunch there is a wonderful flamingo arena and a huge lake with numerous swans and ducks always active on it, so you could eat and photograph at the same time. At the end of the day we will return once more for a drink and an on-camera review of the shots taken.
Once we have finished between 3.00 and 4.00pm you are of course free to go back and revisit any areas you wish until the grounds close.
We don't currently have any workshops scheduled at this venue but we do have many workshops in your region.