Benefits of 1-2-1 Photography Tuition

A 1-2-1 photography day offers a more personalised experience and enables students to learn in a pressure free environment, at their own pace and skill level. Personal tuition also allows for enthusiasts to gain more specialist skills and build a strong portfolio in areas of photography that interest them most.  These workshops can encompass studio techniques such as portraits, still life or macro, or they can form part of a walk around the city, gardens or the zoo as part of a social practice session...lots of fun!! Choose your subject and choose your location. Many students ask for a standard Going Digital course, especially Expore your Camera Part 1 - Getting off Auto. A 1-2-1 photography day usually takes 5 hours. And now there is the option of a half-day 1:1 in Edinburgh. How about learning to fly a drone during a unique drone session lasting 90 minutes?

A Unique Gift

A 1-2-1 photography day also makes a great gift to a friend, colleague or family member...............or you could simply treat yourself!

Workshop Calendar and Booking

  • Book from the list below, or

  • Book an open date and we will send you a Gift Certificate.  Just contact Anna (see Contact below).

Going Digital Scotland 1-2-1 workshops are priced as follows:

  • Edinburgh : £235.00 (weekend price - £275, business 1-2-1 weekday - £255) Half day : £135.

  • Glasgow : £250.00 (weekend price - £305)

  • Aberdeen: £235 (weekend price - £275) With Going Digital tutor Dawn Black. 

  • Elsewhere: (excluding drone photography) from £245.00, depending on distance from Edinburgh and if accommodation is required.

  • Drone photography in Edinburgh - £100 - contact Anna Henly direct or book through our Drone Photography page.

Workshop prices are for tuition only - admission fees etc, for you AND the tutor, are extra.


Anna Henly - 0131 445 5029 or mob: 07711 617912