A one to one experience day can be in any of our core subjects, or it can be tailor made to suit your own individual requirements.
If your requirements are to understand and get more from your camera, then we can run through our basic programme with you. You may want to combine a greater understanding of your camera together with a focus towards better landscape photography, or improving your portraits of family and friends. You may want to explore digital editing and learn the best ways of downloading and indexing your pictures. We can combine this with an introduction to digital editing using Adobe Elements or Photoshop. Tell us your photographic learning requirements and we can design a suitable training day for you.
Subjects covered in our 1-2-1 experience days:
Beginners camera use
Beginners Photoshop
Better Portraits
Portraits using flash
Portraits using studio lights
Landscape photography
A combination of any of the above can be incorporated into a day. If your subject is not listed, please let us know - we may still be able to help.
1-2-1 Experience days usually run form 10 am to 4 pm. The Going digital tutor can come to your home and use this as a base or you can arrange to meet at a venue of your choice (within reasonable travelling distance). A second person of similar learning requirements can attend at no additional cost.
Please call Sid on 07533059803 for more information, or email: sid-smallman@goingdigital.co.uk